In First Things First, Stephen Covey talks about Putting the Big Rocks in First. It is all about deciding what your biggest priorities are and making sure you put them first - otherwise you may not have room!
I have a dear friend who has always understood and lived this simple concept. She has been a great inspiration to me in many ways - somehow she seems to find that perfect balance of caring for her family but also taking care of herself.
This wasn't an issue for me when I was raising my children because they were always my top priority. It was after they left home that I struggled with what I really needed and wanted for my own life. I began working unbelievable hours in very stressful and toxic environments. It took me a long time to realize that if I didn't take care of myself I would not be able to do anything for me or anyone else.
Now I understand what is really important and try to put my Big Rocks in first!
I am still hunting for them big ones............I KNOW THEY ARE OUT THERE........COULD BE IN COLERADO , CLARE OR ANYWHERE ??????????