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Thursday, February 6, 2014

I'll Die Young

58 years and getting younger by the day.  I suppose at this stage of life I am old enough to be wise about the choices I make and yet still young enough to enjoy them.  It is amazing to me how my life continues to improve as the years go by.  I am happier and healthier than ever and I'm so excited to see what the next chapter brings. 

I know that aging is a sensitive subject for many (especially women) but not for me.  I feel very fortunate to have made it this far and it just keeps getting better and better. 

I don't know who wrote it but there is a lovely Irish tune that says it all for me -
Life is like a ladder, I'll dance on every rung. If I live to be a hundred, I'll die young....

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Grandma Magic

When I can help a fussy baby get to sleep or distract the kids while mom is cooking dinner my daughter calls it grandma magic.  The first time she said it, it took me by surprise - what a lovely thing to say. 

Being able to describe that special relationship between grandparents and grandchildren is not easy.  Whenever I talk to other grandparents we all have the same thing in common, we had no idea how incredible this experience would be.  Everyone tries to tell you when they know you are expecting your first grandchild but you cannot understand it until it happens.

One of the most beautiful things in the world is to see your daughter grow up and have children of her own because you know one day she will get to experience the magic of being grandma!